
LBC pursues a holistic understanding and vision of theological education.

What does it mean in practice?
We believe that theological education ought to speak to the mind and heart of our learners. On one hand, we are interested in providing a theoretical expansion of the learners’ knowledge of different disciplines, which will enable them to become more effective Christians in their work place. This knowledge will help them to ask the necessary questions regarding their faith and help them to think apologetically, biblically and practically. On the other hand, we understand that knowledge alone does not change a person and that any knowledge needs application and be used in the real world. Furthermore, knowledge needs to go hand in hand with the development of one’s character.

As part of this practical orientation of our studies and a firm belief that the Church ought to be engaged with the real world and its needs, we became involved in different charitable projects. LBC’s community is touched by various needs of our society in Latvia and we feel obliged to respond in order to show Christ’s love and compassion for the people of Latvia.

During recent years, we were able to raise some necessary funds to buy different equipment for some invalids, children’s orphanages and crisis centres, as well as children’s hospital, teenage prison and children’s summer camp. It is our joy and privilege to help in any small or big way those who are in need. We are always keeping our eyes and hearts open and discerning where we can make the difference. If you want to be a part of this wonderful action of love, join us! Get in touch & get involved!